Duncan Lewis is a leading firm of personal injury and Legal Aid solicitors who can advise on making a claim for sports injury compensation as a result of the negligence or recklessness of another party, such as a sports coach or competitor – or failures in sports equipment and safety equipment.
There are many different types of Sports Injury Claims which can be made, but the injury must be the result of:
Claims can be made for sports injuries whether you are a professional player or athlete, an amateur player or athlete – or enjoy recreational sports and sustain an injury as a result of another party’s negligence.
Any type of sport may be eligible for sports injury compensation, including:
Sports injury compensation can also be claimed for Children’s Injuries as a result of negligence – and a claim for sport injuries sustained in Accidents at School can also be made.
Sports injuries sustained in Holiday Accidents on package holidays as a result of negligence can also be claimed for under the Package Travel Regulations 1992.
If you are a professional, amateur or recreational swimmer or diver, claims for Cryptosporidium infection from swimming pools are also eligible for Sports Injury Compensation.
Sports injuries eligible for compensation claims include:
Tragically, sports injuries can sometimes result in Fatal Injuries – and if the injury was caused as a result of someone else’s negligence, poor technique or recklessness, the dependants of a loved one who has died in a fatal sports accident may be able to claim compensation.
Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors will be able to advise you further on making a claim for fatal sports injuries.
Spectators injured at a sporting event or in a public place such as a Local Authority swimming pool or leisure centre may be able to make Public Liability Claims for sports injury compensation.
Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors will be able to advise you further on this.
Claims for sports injury compensation fall under the area of law known as personal injury.
Personal injury claimants usually have three years from the date of the injury to make a sports injury compensation claim.
Claims can sometimes be made outside the three-year limitation period, however – and minors have three years from the age of 18 to make a claim.
Because of the limitation period for personal injury claims, it is important to seek legal advice from Duncan Lewis as soon as possible if you are injured in a sporting accident.
Family members can call Duncan Lewis for advice on making a claim if a loved one has sustained a serious sports injury and is still recovering in hospital.
Claims for Sports Injury Compensation includes:
Sports injury compensation claims are usually settled by the insurer of the party liable for the injury, whether this is a sports club, trainer or coach – or a sports club or school which was negligent.
Companies which supplied faulty goods or defective sports equipment can also be claimed against if the failure resulted in a sports injury.
If you sustained a sports injury on holiday and booked the activity as part of a package holiday, you may be able to claim against the tour operator if the activity company was negligent and you were injured.
Your Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitor will keep you fully informed at all stages of the case.
Most claims for sports injury compensation are settled out-of-court – Duncan Lewis personal injury lawyers negotiate hard to get the best settlement for you.
But if a court hearing is necessary, Duncan Lewis instructs leading barristers who specialise in personal injury cases and sports injury compensation claims, to make sure you have the best legal representation possible.
Compensation paid to minors in sports injury claims has to be approved at an Infant Settlement Hearing at the local County Court – the child and their “Litigation Friend” (usually a parent or guardian) have to attend this hearing.
Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors have a successful track record in accident and injury claims.
Contact Duncan Lewis for free advice on making a sports injury compensation claim by calling 020 7923 4020.